Red Barn Yoga: Birch Point Farm


Birch Point Farm is located on the Leelanau Peninsula between West Grand Traverse Bay and Lake Leelanau. It is a truly magical place, well-tended by my friend, Michelle Farrarese. I hold a dear place in my heart for this farm as it became my sanctuary to let the sun shine on my back, quietly reflect and dig my hands in the dirt after a long day in the office.



On this particular day, Birch Point Farm served as my sanctuary in a similar, but different regard. I’ve been doing yoga for about 3 years now and I love the mindful release it brings me before, during or after a hectic day.  The benefits to the mind & to the body are innumerable and I’ve found great teachers along the way that help me get the most out of my practice while being aware of my body’s limits. The environment where I practice has an impact on the serenity I feel, even my willingness to let go. Sure, Yoga teaches us to focus inward, but not to ignore what is going on around you. Rather, it emphasizes to be aware, take things in, just notice.


When Michelle and Amy Hubbell decided to collaborate and host a Red Barn Yoga class at Birch Point Farm I was immediately intrigued. I knew that the rustic environment of the Old Red Barn amidst the beautiful fields of the farm would play host to an incredible yoga class. I have to say, the class even surpassed my expectations. This was the first session I’d ever taken from Amy and she was such a wonderful teacher.Our practice was in celebration of the full moon, and in my mind it was also in celebration of the much-needed thunderstorm that was expected to roll in that night. Amy lead us through a lunar flow that was both calming and challenging.


Amy’s class emphasized the 2nd Chakra, the emotional energy center located in the lower abdomen. She had us visualize this 2nd chakra as a a glowing orange ball of energy. Frankly, because I’m slightly obsessed with Sungolds this time of year, I kept imagining this 2nd chakra to look a lot like a glowing sungold positioned right in my lower core. This idea of an energy rich sungold illuminated with warm light made me smile during our practice and I just had to share it with the group once we had finished. The consensus was that we must trot over to the greenhouse and grab a few of these 2nd Chakra snacks to complete our session. And so we did.


The session left me feeling calm, nourished and relieved. As we drifted to our cars and bicycles to head home, the impending thunderstorm rolled in and moments after I reached my house, the rain fell. It was the perfect ending to a beautiful  afternoon. I’m looking forward to another Red Barn Yoga class in the late fall and will happily share the details with all of you as soon as it is scheduled. Thank you Michelle and Amy for a beautiful practice.

“The light in me, honors the light in you”



2nd chakra, amy hubbell, beautiful fields, birch point, birch point farm, calming, events, grand traverse bay, leelanau, leelanau peninsula, Michigan, nature, northern michigan, on the farm, practice, red barn yoga, release, rustic environment, summer, sungolds, Traverse City, yoga, yoga class

Growth by the Season

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