Garden planning is what pulls me through the last few months of winter. I don’t know how I did it before. The seeds, the dreams, the drawings, they all make the cold weather a little more bearable because spring is on the horizon.
When I think of Seattle my first thoughts are of Karrin & Heather, two of my very best friends. Then of course comes seafood, wide open waters and dreamy green flora. I just came home from a weeklong visit filled to the brim with incredible food and fresh air.
You may remember the state of my backyard merely a few months ago, but today if you visited us you’d feel as if you were in an entirely different place. The garden is thriving and the backyard is filled with green plants and maturing fruits (and loads of mulberries!)
Chocolate cravings are practically a daily occurrence in my household; replaced only by a craving for ice cream or fresh fruit pies, but nonetheless sugar. I can’t help it, the sweet tooth is simply deeply rooted in my bones and I can only ignore it when I having nothing in my pantry, freezer or refrigerator to relieve my craving. However this craving usually persists for a few days and then I head straight to a recipe book to bake up a sweet treat. I’m always looking for creative ways to bake “healthier” and when another GIANT zucchini grew up quickly in my backyard garden my first thought was Chocolate!..Zucchini!… Zucchini Brownies!