Zucchini Brownies with Sea Salt


Chocolate cravings are practically a daily occurrence in my household; replaced only by a craving for ice cream or fresh fruit pies, but nonetheless sugar. I can’t help it, the sweet tooth is simply deeply rooted in my bones and I can only ignore it when I having nothing in my pantry, freezer or refrigerator to relieve my craving. However this craving usually persists for a few days and then I head straight to a recipe book to bake up a sweet treat. I’m always looking for creative ways to bake “healthier” and when another GIANT zucchini grew up quickly in my backyard garden my first thought was Chocolate!..Zucchini!… Zucchini Brownies!



What’s better (read: ‘more dangerous’) than being able to remind yourself that these seriously delicious brownies are packed with vegetables?! … Nothing.

The truth is, I like to reward myself. And when I think I deserve brownies, I’ll make (and eat) a whole batch of brownies. Living a healthy lifestyle is all about balance and when you have a sweet tooth like me, that includes indulging in something sweet every once in a while. It sets your mind right, your mood right and your taste buds thank you.


Zucchini Brownies with Sea Salt

Preheat Oven – 350 degrees


1 1/2 cups granulated sugar

1/4 cup cocoa

1/4 cup canola oil

1/4 cup sour cream

2 cups all-purpose flour

2 cups shredded zucchini (my garden)

1 tbsp maple syrup (Verdant Farm)

1 tsp salt

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

1 cup chocolate chips

sprinkle of sea salt to your liking



1) preheat the oven and grease an 8×11 pan, set aside

2) combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix

3) pour mixture into pan and place in the oven, bake for about 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean

3) sprinkle sea salt on top of the warm brownies immediately after removing them from the oven

4) let cool, and serve!


So, indulge yourself in these zucchini brownies because after all, they DO contain vegetables and thats more than most brownies can say. Plus living healthy doesn’t mean never giving in to your sweet tooth.



backyard garden, brownies, chocolate, chocolate cravings, cup chocolate chips, delicious brownies, dessert, food, food blog, garden, healthy, healthy dessert, homegrown, indulge, living a healthy lifestyle, moist, recipe, soft, sweet tooth, zucchini, zucchini brownies

Growth by the Season

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