Tag: the state hospital

The Fourth Annual Edible Art Show: Traverse City, MI


The Farmers Market at The Village at Grand Traverse Commons is more than just a place to pick up your week’s worth of groceries. Its a community gathering place; an event, more than simply a grab and go shopping experience. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I manage the Farmer Market operations at The Village which includes marketing and developing events throughout the course of the year. The local community has supported our market for over four years now and in the hope to give back to that community, we host a monthly “Give-Back Market Date.”


Fondant Flowers by Old Hundredth Farm

The “Give Back Market Date”  is held on the Second Saturday of each month and this month’s “Give Back” event was the Annual Edible Art Show, benefiting the Father Fred Foundation. Saturday, March 9th was the fourth annual Edible Art Show and the Edible Entries were some of the best to date.


The Father Fred Foundation is a local organization whose mission is to “listen to the community needs, care for the distressed, the poor, the hungry and the suffering, and share resources in a loving and respectful manner.”

The Foundation and its local food pantry accepts no state or federal funding, but instead relies entirely on the care and generosity of our local community.  The Edible Art Show at The Village at Grand Traverse Commons Farmers Market is an annual event that raises money for this incredible organization and the members of our local community in need.

Father Fred Foundation

The Edible Art Masterpieces are created by our Farmers Market Vendors and the “Village People,” a name that refers to the residents and merchants that make up the Village Community. Members of the public in attendance are the official judges, and money is raised by The Father Fred Foundation through ticket sales. Tickets are placed in the respective bag for your favorite Edible Art Entry. You can vote as many times as you like, purchasing as many tickets as you’d like and the winners are determined by the highest number of ticket votes collected.


Paul Murray with his edible wheatgrass hat

This year we raised over $280 dollars for the Father Fred Foundation through the efforts of the Edible Art Show. None of it would be possible without the generous support of our public judges and the creative efforts of the “Edible” Artists.


Winners in each category of the Edible Art Show received a beautiful trophy, this year the “Golden Pear.” The Golden Pear trophies were made of a piece of brick from the “Traverse City State Hospital” built in 1885, the site which is now known as The Village at Grand Traverse Commons.


The Winners of each Category were:

Best in Show- Diana Jelenek from Spring Hollow Farm with the “Chick-a-Saurus”

Best Farm Vendor– Kim Norton from Confections by Kim with “Keeping us Safe”


Best Village MerchantMichigan Farm Market with “The Green Tractor”

Best Village Resident– Kristen Messner with “Haiku”


I’m so grateful to have received such incredible edible entries, and for the support of our local community coming together to raise funds for this great cause. The Edible Art show is always the second Saturday in March so if you’ve never been, mark your calendars for next year!


“The Fruit Mouse” by Boss Mouse Cheese and

“Pleasanton Loafers” made from loaves of Pleasanton bread by Fred Lortet


Stephanie Wiitala and Family from Black Star Farms, created this

creative collection of  friendly edible creatures!


I put together an edible art piece of my own, and  called it “1,2,3…Zucchini!”

With two Zucchinis, some toothpicks and a half of a tomato, the zucchini camera was born! I was far from being a “winner”, in terms of votes, but it was an absolute blast to create and I’ll certainly be dreaming up something new for next year’s Art Show.


Thank you to all the Artists and our Public Judges, every edible entry was unique and creative, and your efforts were absolutely appreciated! The Edible Art show is always one of my favorite events at our Indoor Farmers Market and I’m looking forward to celebrating next year’s Fifth Annual event with another successful fundraiser and many more edible masterpieces on display. Remember…

You ART what you EAT



Growth by the Season

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